that recurring bullsh*t pattern
that has you tripping over the same trap?
that one.
i have a bounty on that one.
Break up with recurring BS patterns in life, love, and work.
Reconnect with your true, authentic potential.
Take the leap from self-limiting to self-leadership.
Personality Typing Sessions
These sessions are designed for anyone who feels disconnected from their true potential. And it’s just the beginning. Whether you know your core Enneagram type or you’re new to learning about your personality altogether.
Choose from 3 tiers of personality typing sessions to learn more about your big, fat, why, or learn more about yourself and someone you love, alone and together.
Deep Dive Typing Sessions are 120 minutes*,
Enneagram Integration Sessions are 5-6 hours.
Joint Typing Sessions are three, 90-minute sessions: 2 individual sessions and 1 joint.
Everyone has 9 days to roll their typing session into the 3-month Bootcamp (yup, that means a free session!)
LIVE 1:1 Back-To-You Bootcamp
This bootcamp is designed for people who are ready to tackle the recurring life patterns that keep them self-limited and hold them back from self-leadership. Imagine, you stop tripping over the same traps, and after 9 sessions, the world looks full of promise, next steps seem tangible, and setbacks don’t feel like road blocks.
This 3- month package includes a full, in-depth typing session, a full enneagram workup (all the types your type touches),a breakdown of subtypes, stress and growth points, behavioral health scale, measures of stress and health in all key areas of life, all groupings and stances, variations, converging types, center of intelligence, childhood ideal work, and setting and keeping boundaries based on your personality type.
Ready to be reconnected to your true potential?
On-The-Go Coaching
This is designed for busy people.You’re busy. You’re on the go. You’re between tasks and meetings. The computer is intimidating after a long-ass day. You have kids screaming in your face, dogs that need to go out, and someone is asking what’s for dinner. Sometimes all you have is two minutes. All that crap? It’s following you, even if you have no time. Don’t worry, I’m in your pocket.
Message to Message voice coaching over Whatsapp for those who are on-the-go. No set meeting dates, times, or “worksheets”. Just someone who can talk to you about it, through it, and without wasting what’s precious:
Your time.
It’s life coaching, for busy people.