Self-Care Checklist for each of the 9 Enneagram types
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I help women who lead answer the question, “is there more out there for me?” with a HELL YES.

Whether you lead personally or professionally - I help you tap into the why behind every action, pattern, win, trip, slip, pain, and gain so you can live your life with intention and lead others with authenticity.

I help you learn that YOU are the more you are looking for!



Do you know your ‘why’? I do.

I use a core-motivated personality system to help you understand every why behind everything.

In just 90 minutes, we can determine your personality type, center of intelligence, core motivators, blind spots, communication points, and more about your worldview than you can imagine. And sometimes, that’s all people needed, whether they knew it or not.


The Enneagram is a powerful personality system that offers deep insights into our motivations, behaviors, and opportunities for personal growth in a way that is both digestible and specific.

Table for 9 Coaching uses a person-first, non-spiritual, psychology-backed approach to understanding the 9 personality types.

why personality in coaching?

The Enneagram breaks personalities down into digestible sizes based on core motivators that do not change, unlike habits and characteristics that vary. This is the key to sustainability.